Whether you rent or build new, refrigerated storage and freezer space is extremely costly, especially after factoring in the considerable amount of electricity needed for climate control inside a large warehouse. Whether your business is pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, logistics, biotech, or even climate-controlled archival storage, constructing or renting new refrigerated storage isn’t your only option for accommodating growth.
A cost-effective alternative is rethinking the shelving you use in your cold storage and maximizing that pricey square footage in a whole new way. ActivRAC heavy-duty refrigerated mobile storage is designed to withstand temperatures of below -20° F with a stainless steel option to avoid any frost and condensation. These systems feature carriage and rail systems with shelving that moves side to side and eliminates static aisles—which means you’re able to use every available inch of that refrigerated storage space you’re already paying for.
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Want to see how you can balance your refrigerated storage costs and stay competitive? Learn more in our infographic: