3 Ways Smart Lockers Can Improve Device Management

Device management, for our purposes, is “the process of managing the implementation, operation and maintenance of a physical device.” A proper device management system will have a combination of audit trails, locker management software, and even charging capabilities. Accommodating these features into a locker bank system is essential for what our clients need them to do. Many clients have recently reached out to us for lockers with device management capabilities, so we’ve put this list together on how to improve device management using smart lockers.

Device Management Hardware

Managing hardware/physical devices like computers, laptops, mobile phones and more are some of the main products needing device management software. Smart lockers can help with the distribution of these devices to authorized personnel. Using an NFC, RFID, or Bluetooth lock, authorized users are able to check these hardware devices in and out during working hours. What’s more is you’ll know exactly who checked the item out and for how long they had it thanks to the audit trail in the locker software.

Device Management Hardware
Smart locker RFID, NFC, & Bluetooth locks are perfect for managing your device management locker banks

Energy Saving & Charging

Getting a powered device with a depleted battery is never a good thing. Thankfully, smart lockers can be fitted with chargers and power outlets which allow for overnight charging. You’ll always have your devices ready to use at any moment of the day. No more bothering with extra-long charging cords everywhere. What’s also great is the low energy use of these locker banks. This saves you even more money while charging your devices in the after-hours.

Charging Capabilities in Smart Lockers
Save energy and time with in-locker chargers

Renting Equipment

Smart lockers are a great way to manage rental equipment and devices as well. Smart lockers can be available for rent during working hours and have them open for maintenance in the evening. Thanks to locker software and its audit trail, you can find out how long a device was rented and if it has been sanitized before the next use. Place rental limits and give/remove access to certain units, all from one centralized database.

Rental equipment software
Locker software equipment helps with the management and distribution of devices

Contact Us for More Device Management Info

Learn how we can improve your device management utility & gain a better user experience. Contact us online today or call us at 1-800-696-3453.

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